I remember my college tours quite vividly, and I will never forget how, when the tour guides asked the prospective students for any questions, every parent in the group would inevitably begin their deluge of inquiries. These questions were, of course, important, and I will always be grateful for my parents' fearlessness when it came to asking the tour guides... well, everything.
One question that always sparked my curiosity was, "What do students do on weekends?" Coming from high school, you can't completely anticipate what it will be like to live full-time at school. Of course, now I can say that it's wonderful, but I was uncertain as a high school junior/senior. So, if you're wondering about the weekends on the BC campus like I was, here are a few of my own experiences as a freshman:
1. First of all, don't be nervous that campus will clear out on the weekends, just because Boston College is close to the city. Although Boston is a great resource that can be reached by T (train) in a short time, students here love staying on campus.
2. There is always something going on that you will be interested in. On Thursday nights, for example, the Chocolate Bar (a bakery/coffee shop in the Upper campus dining hall) hosts live musicians from the area. This week I bought a delicious milkshake and enjoyed the free show with a friend. The next few bullet points fall under this same category as well:
3. Sports games often take place on the weekends. Here at BC, games are huge events. We all wear our yellow Superfan shirts and show our school pride.
4. The undergraduate government hosts events on campus that are always incredible. This Friday, my friends and I went to Conte Forum (our hockey and basketball arena) for a hilarious live comedy show by Nick Swardson. Look him up - you won't be disappointed.
5. Clubs host their own events as well. Before the comedy show, we went to the a cappella concert of one of the student groups on campus, The Acoustics. They were all incredibly talented and, to tell you the truth, I felt embarrassed about my own lack of singing ability. Oh well; they provided an incredible few hours of entertainment (completely free, I might add).
6. For my last point I want to stress the importance of hanging out with friends on the weekends. It seems trivial, and you may have already started on the next blog post by now, but some of my best weekend nights are spent just watching movies in my dorm with friends, or ordering takeout and playing a game of night frisbee. At Boston College, you'll meet extremely friendly, caring people who you're sure to develop wonderful friendships with. You'll go to Boston with them, attend football games together, and do homework together in the afternoon. And it will be some of the greatest times of your college career.
Until next time,
--Kristen Volinski
CSOM 2014
P.S. Here's a video from the show I went to: