Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Springtime at BC

Hey all!

It's the first day of classes after Easter break and I am sitting at a table in the Chocolate Bar, sipping my iced soy chai (the best!), getting ready for my Macroeconomics class at 10:30!

I've had a really relaxing break. The weather in MA has been absolutely GORGEOUS, so I spent most of my break outside, roaming around Shrewsbury (any Shrewsburians out there?)

With only 6 weeks left of school, freshman year is coming to an end. Suddenly, my daily schedule is filled with events like "Admitted Eagles Day," "Course Registration," "Course Registration Meeting with Dean Keeley," "Final Exams" (ooo, ominous). Luckily, my academic advisor (Dean Keeley) is very helpful with matters such as course registration and study abroad planning. Furthermore, Women-in-Business holds an advising workshop a week before registration starts to discuss schedules, professors to take, classes to take depending on the major.

On other note, schoolwork is going well! Before break, my main stress came from the Google Online Marketing Challenge for Computers in Management. Basically, we had Mike's Pastries (a great pastry shop in the North End of Boston) up until the last minute when they told us they weren't interested in helping out with our project anymore (I mean, it's not much work, and you get free advertising). Our group was scrambling to find another company (and our report was due that night). We called around and finally talked to the VP of Finale Desserts, who was very helpful and agreed to participate in the challenge. Our group pulled together and delivered a solid presentation on Wednesday before break.

Anyways, I'm heading off to my only class of the day! Stay tuned for more CSOM news and my experience with course registration!


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