Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Some Advice on Advisors

Hello Friends,

With registration for classes right around the corner I thought I would delve a little into advising and class selection for CSOM students. Like every student at Boston College, students in the Carroll School of Management have an academic advisor that is assigned to them. You are required to meet with your advisor to receive your degree audit and the access code needed to register for classes. Each of these advisors are great resources for students but you should never underestimate the value other professors can have for your experience here at BC.

Case in point. I recently declared my concentration so my official academic advisor switched from who I had last year. Although my advisor for this year is great and is in my department, I really liked Professor Clarke, who really helped me figure out what I wanted to do with education and time here at BC. So I went back to her. In fact, I’m meeting with her tomorrow and she’s introducing me to another professor who she promises I will absolutely love. By the end of tomorrow I may have 2 more academic advisors! It truly is the hallmark of a BC professor: someone who is truly dedicated to the undergraduates.

In terms of registering for classes, you’re going to want to find a balance between both the University Core Curriculum, which all students must complete in their years at BC, and the Management core. It’s nice to have a balance of liberal arts courses along with your more focused courses like economics or marketing principles. Feel free to shoot me an email if you’d like some recommendations on great classes to take.

Until next time friends …

-Luke Lapointe
CSOM '12 Finance
A & S '12 Communications
Student Admission Program
International Coordinator

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Comedy and College GameDay

Hey Guys!

My name is Paul Holder and I am a sophomore in the business school's honors program. This weekend was great- on Friday, the freshman honors class and various members of the other classes including myself went to the Improv Asylum in Boston's North End. The show consisted of a group of 5 improv artists who did various comedy sketches, and it was hilarious! Of course, one of the perks of being a BC student is being close to the North End, where a 40-minute T ride can take you to world famous restaurants and delicious dessert shops.

As Alex mentioned in the previous post, Gameday and the football game on Saturday were fantastic, and the tribute to cancer patient and BC football player Mark Herzlich was truly inspirational.

Tonight, however, I have to study for 3 tests in 2 days, so I should probably get started! If you have any questions about the honors program, Boston, or anything, feel free to contact me!

Take care,

Paul Holder
CSOM '12

Great Weekend!


My name is Alex Mannherz and I am a sophomore in the business school. I just wanted to let you guys know a little bit about my weekend at BC.

My weekend focused around the BC's football game against an ACC rival in Florida State. My friends and I woke up early Saturday morning to go to College Gameday; a football pregame show on the ESPN network. I was in the front row and it was crazy. The show focused around the inspirational story of Mark Herzlich's (a BC football player) battle with cancer. Following the show, I went to the actual football game at 3:30 in Alumni Stadium. The student section had a great turnout and the stadium was loud. I was lucky enough to go early and get seats in the second row. It was an exciting game and the BC Eagles were able to come out with a BIG WIN thanks to a long touchdown run in the fourth quarter. Saturday was an awesome day full of football and school pride!

If you have any questions about football or anything else about BC feel free to shoot me an email at I look forward to hearing from you guys.

Talk to you soon,

Alex Mannherz
CSOM '12 Finance