Hi everyone! Happy Tuesday! And what a beautiful Tuesday it is - the sun is shining, flowers are sprouting that spell out "BC" on the hills (MAGIC!), and birds are chirping. Speaking of birds, let me fill you in on the craze that is sweeping the nation - EagleCam.
You may think that when I say "EagleCam," I am referring to the webcams that allow you to see onto parts of the BC campus. This is not the case. I am referring instead to an eagle's nest in Decorah, Iowa. This EagleCam allows the viewer to watch a live feed of a mother eagle, a father eagle, and their three newly hatched baby bald eagles! It is so cool! Last Wednesday, I was procrastinating and watching some eagle eggs, and then one started to crack - it was hatching! How incredible is it that I saw a live hatching in Iowa from the dining hall at Boston College? The internet blows my mind sometimes.
Anyway, in conclusion, if you want to be an Eagle, you should also watch EagleCam. You don't have to watch it by any means, but it is strongly recommended - they are just that cute.