Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dustbowl Days and Football Frenzy

Hello there!

Today was a gorgeous day at Boston College. It's 82 degrees, the sun is shining, and I only had my theology and marketing classes this morning, so I was out of class at 11! People are storming the dustbowl to soak up the last bit of summery weather we're likely to get this year. Frisbees are flying everywhere and students and professors alike are taking their lunches outside for improptu picnics. It's one of those days that makes me want to call my parents and say "Thanks for letting me go here!"

The entire campus is also hyped up for the Holy War this weekend against Notre Dame. So many of my friends have purchased t-shirts in anticipation of the big day, and UGBC is sponsoring a pep rally on O'Neill plaza on Friday night! The pep rally will feature the Boston College Marching Band, the Irish Dance Club, and (of course) the football team. The game will be broadcast on ABC at 8 pm Saturday; you should check it out!

Off to work on my marketing project - we are analyzing the marketing strategy of Burger King! Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions:


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